Long Distance Space Clearing & Blessing
A Long Distance Space Clearing & Blessing is a powerful way to remove negative energy, spirits, and entities that may exist in a home or other location and replace it with love, light, and protection from Spirit.
Maura Kirby works directly with Archangel Michael, other Archangels, and Ascended Masters to purify the space and infuse Divine protection from the Spiritual Realm. Maura and her Spiritual Team have the ability remotely to remove malevolent entities and energy parasites, assist earthbound spirits into the light, and seal energetic portals and gateways to prevent the energy and entities from re-entering the space.
This service includes the use of remote viewing, Reiki symbols, and crystals during the Long Distance Space Clearing & Blessing. Maura also uses her spiritual gifts of clairvoyance (clear seeing), claircognizance (clear knowing), clairsentience (clear
feeling), and clairaudience (clear hearing) to connect deeply with the space and encompassing energy.
1,500 square feet and under location (1 hour) - $200
1,501 - 2,500 square feet location (1 hour 30 minutes) - $250
2,501 - 3,500 square feet location (2 hours) - $300
3,501 - 4,500 square feet location (2 hours 30 minutes) - $350
4,501+ square feet location (3 hours+) - To Be Determined
A 50% deposit is required to secure the date/time of the Long Distance Space Clearing & Blessing. Full payment is due 48 hours prior to the Long Distance Space Clearing & Blessing.